Harri Ahveninen Sc. Forestry/Forestry Products, Machenary from University of Helsinki – Finland and B. Sc. In Business Economics and Administration from Helsinki School of Economics – Finland Expertise :Management Analysis, JFM, Forestry & Environment, Soil/Moisture Conservation, Institute Building etc. Manish Kumar Masters Diploma in Business Administration Expertise : Micro/Macro Economic Analysis, Statistical Interpretation & Modeling, Socio-Economic Analysis, Economic Feasibility Analysis, Financial Analysis and Projection, Economic Policy Analysis etc. P. S. Upadhyaya B.Sc (Hons), Mining Engineering from Indian School of Mines, with an experience of 35 years in Mining Operations and Mining Consultancy. Expertise : Mining Operations, Mining Consultancy, Project Management, Project Engineering, Construction Management. I. C. Nagar Ph.D. in Sociology Expertise : Socio-Economic Empowerment of Rural Women S. C. Dey MSC Forestry Expertise : Forest Management, Bio-diversity Issues, Project Formulation, EIA, JFM, Socio/Farm Forestry. C. R. Jotriwal Expertise : PCCF, Haryana, Forestery, environment, ecology, monitoring & Evaluation and soil conservation. Kishore Patnaik Ph.D. in Anthropology (Social Sciences), University of Delhi University (1992). Publications : (15 papers) on the issues of child growth and development. Bidyut Bhattacharya M.Sc. (Mathematics) from Avadh University and M.A. (Economics) from Kanpur University with experience of 36 years in Monitoring & Evaluation. Niraj Jha Masters Diploma in Business Administration (Contemporary Financial Management) Expertise :Consultant Member of Consultancy Development Centre, an autonomous institution promoted by DSIR, Ministry of Science & Technology and Consultant Member of MSME, Govt. of India. Ramesh Shenoy Civil Engineer and Ex. Additional Director, Watershed, Govt. of Rajasthan. Expertise :Watershed Management, Soil Conservation, Irrigation, PRA, EIA, Monitoring and Evaluation. Sunil Kumar Jha M.B.A. from FMS, Delhi University, with 19 years of Experience in Management Consultancy. Expertise :Marketing, Financial Management, Market Research, Corporate Planning, Developmental Consultancy. Zahid Bhat M.B.A. in Marketing & Finance from IMI Belgium with 5 years of Experience in Research. Expertise :Secondary Research, Data Analysis, Report Writing, Devising Marketing Strategies. Raghuraj Singh Saini M.B.A. in Supply Chain Management from Karnataka State Open University with 10 years of experience in procurement. Expertise :Negotiation, Vender Management, Supply Chain Management, Business Development.