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Salient features of the Assignment
Baseline survey of 25000 Artisan of Varanasi (Handicraft Cluster)
National Centre for Design and Product Development, Ministry of Textile
Field survey of Artisans in Varanasi, PRA, Interaction with Artisans, making detailed project report
Assessment Study for Social and Environmental Impact of Eco-tourism Project under PPP mode in Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh Eco-tourism Society
Monitoring of Eco-tourism centers for their operational parameters. Policy and governance Plan, Infrastructure analysis and social conservation.
Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Documentation (MEL & D) of Projects under Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)
Rajiv Gandhi Mission for Watershed Management, Govt. of MP, Bhopal
Watershed, agro-forestry, silvi-pastoral system, IGA, Agriculture, Livestock, Micro-enterprises, CBOs
Evaluation of Ecological Restoration Work of Eco-Task Force- 134, 135
National Afforestation & Eco-Development Board (NAEB), MOEF, Govt. of India
Sample survey of plantation, Evaluation of plantation, Determine density & frequency of plants, cost benefit analysis, policy analysis for program sustainability, GPS based verifications, community participation
Study on Social Analysis of JFM Program & NAP for Participation
National Afforestation & Eco-Development Board, MOEF, Govt. of India
Socio-economic analysis of community, baseline survey of 4000 villages across 12 states, awareness measurement, participatory analysis, analysis of participatory tools involved in JFM.
Third Party Monitoring of the Works Undertaken as per Action Plans of Ongoing KoI Dam CAT Plan and RIM Plantation Scheme
Himachal Pradesh Forest Department
Assess the effect and impact of the CAT plan components, primarily afforestation, pasture development and soil and water conservation
Review the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the works undertaken
Specifically assess the impact of CAT plan treatment on silt discharge levels
Assess the impact of people’s participation in various components
Incorporate the lessons learnt for future replication and record/highlight the exemplary success stories.
Evaluation of 56 FDAs in states Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, J & K, Andra Pradesh Grant-in-aid Project and Plantation under 20 Point Program
National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, (New Delhi)
Participation, Social risks, conflict Afforestation, JFM, IGAs, Village funds, resolution, gender mainstreaming, benefit sharing mechanism, plantation adequacy and survival etc
Monitoring & Evaluation,
Guidelines on income generation activities
Japan International Cooperation Agency –Uttar Pradesh Forestry Management
Preparation of manuals for SHGs, IGAs., Preparation of manuals and guidelines for training and capacity building on institution building, micro credit, books and account keeping, production through IGAs and marketing. Preparation of techno economic feasibility report on identified micro enterprises for SHGs
Manual on income generating activities and livelihood security
Japan International Cooperation Agency –Uttar Pradesh Forestry Management
Field survey of the target area, PRA, Interaction with forest department officials
Integrated Natural Resource Management Poverty reduction Project in Haryana
Haryana Forest Department
Base line survey, Resource analysis, Motivation, Formation of SHGs, Identification & TEFR for IGAs, Operationalization of SHG & IGAs, Training & Capacity Building
Guidelines on income generation activities
Haryana Forest Department
Preparation of manuals for SHGs, IGAs., Preparation of manuals and guidelines for training and capacity building on institution building, micro credit, books and account keeping, production through IGAs and marketing. Preparation of techno economic feasibility report on identified micro enterprises for SHGs
Manual on income generating activities and livelihood security
Japan International Cooperation Agency –Uttar Pradesh Forestry Management
Field survey of the target area, PRA, Interaction with forest department officials
Mechanism for sustainable development of handmade paper industry in India
Monitoring and streamlining convergence between the MGNREGS with other ongoing scheme
UNDP New Delhi
Rural development and livelihood
Integration of Environmental reports in Agriculture sector in Madhya Pradesh
EPCO, MP & World Bank
Environment and Agriculture
Alleged adverse impact on wild life due to open caste mining operations in Jharkhand
World Bank Washington DC
Mining and Bio-Diversity
Third Party Monitoring of Uttrakhand Mahila Samekit Vikas Yojna
ICDS, Govt. of Uttrakhand
Livelihood, IGA & Women Empowerment
Study on Social Analyses of Joint Forest Management (JFM) Programme and National Afforestation Programme (NAP) Scheme for Social Participation
National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India
Participatory management
Preparation of Manual, Handbook and Guidelines on Livelihood Security, IGAs, SHGs management and Business Scale Up
Participatory Forest Management and Poverty Alleviation Project for Uttar Pradesh
Study on land tenure and livelihood
Meghalaya basin development authority Shillong
Land, Livelihood, agriculture
Status of Biodiversity & Livelihood in Meghalaya
Meghalaya basin development authority Shillong
Land, Livelihood, agriculture